Ever since I can remember I have always been drawn to primary colors. As a child I was always interested in how things worked and I remember taking toys apart rather then playing with them. I have always been drawn to engineering and the mechanical world fascinated me.
It's hard to believe how raw materials mined from this planet provide us with the products we use daily. I don't truly belive this, but I daydream that we do have aliens hidden away somewhere and that we are reverse engineering their technology. How else can you explain a cell phone. Even the original Star Trek communicator did not have a fraction of these features. It's quite entertaining to watch some of the old 50's and 60's footage of alien abduction stories. If I lived in that time, I don't think I would be making such claims but I sure would love to be friends with the people that were.
I always liked to collect things, even though I don't consider myself a collector. I take great pride in ownership but I'm not a museum. I probably irritate true collectors by doing some of the things that I do. I'll buy something rare and open it, and by doing so, I destroy a good amount of value for that item. My toys for instance, are my props, my tools, they are interesting to me and I use them as subjects in my paintings.
I love the physical act of painting. Holding a brush, the act of applying paint to a canvas, the magic of creation, design, and composition. I tried painting tradition still lifes, landscapes, and even portraits while attending art school. I had no passion for those subjects and actually stopped painting for several years. The toys, mannequins, and saucers have given new life and purpose to my art which i hope to explore for many years to come.
John Pado - 2015 - Eagle Art Gallery
Space Toys, Ray-guns, Robots, UFO’s, Gangsters, Lipsticks, and Candy become astounding artifacts in John Padlo’s unconventional bold color paintings. John Padlo is a traditionally schooled artist, a product of the San Francisco Academy of Art, now a painter working out of the Boise Treasure Valley area who’s work focuses on science fiction retro themed art.
John is an avid collector of vintage toys, classic cars, and even a few vintage tractors are found in the shop/studio space. Away from art and his collection, John enjoys the outdoors riding atv's and dirt bikes. His wife and 4 girls in the house also keep him quite busy.
Ever since I can remember I have always been drawn to primary colors and fascinated by the mechanical world. Toys, mannequins, UFOs, hot rods, pulp and science fiction gravitate toward my inner child and become playful subjects in my artwork. I create art and paint because I’m compelled to. I enjoy the physical act of painting, drawing, sculpting, as well as the magic of design, composition, and creation. Every brush stroke is a tribute to my creative process, and a celebration of youthful dreams realized.
SAN FRANCISCO, 1999-2005
John Padlo has extensively studied art at the renowned Academy of Art in San Francisco, the largest art school in the United States. Taking fine art classes from Peter Schifrin, Michele K. Goodwin, along with private lessons from Douglas P. Morgan. John also painted on a regular basis with Bill Rhae.
Private lessons with Geoffrey Krueger, 2012-2014
2018 - Oshkosh Public Museum - Oshkosh, Wisconsin - Feb-May Group Show - Replay
2012 - Flying M Coffe House, Boise - November Solo Show
2011 - Benjamin Benjamin Gallery, Portalnd Oregon, Group Show - War Games
2011 - Treasure Valley Artist Alliance Show - Group Show - Forray
2010 - Basement Gallery, Boise - December Group Show
2010 - Flying M Coffe House, Boise - Halloween Group Show
2010 - Boise History Museum, Boise - September Group Show
2010 - Alexa Rose Gallery, Boise - "Illustration Showdown", Group Show
2009 - Record Exchange, Boise - Munny/Dunny Christmas Auction
2009 - Basement Gallery, Boise - November thru December Group Show
2009 - Flying M Coffee House, Boise - August Solo Show
2008 - Make a wish foundation dinner/show, Boise - Raised $4700.00
2018 - Boise Power Box - 17th and Main
2007 - Idaho Energy Department "Willie Nelson Bio Fuel" Mural 8'x8'
2016 - Idaho Statesman Gift Guide - Chembots Painting & Ray Gun Extravaganza Puzzle
2009 - Boise Weekly - October 28 - November 3 Issue - ARTS - New Crop
2009 - Boise Weekly - August 12-18 Issue - ARTS - Shiny Toy Guns
2009 - Idaho Statesman - December 3 - Perry Alen Leaves Basement Galler